Your 5 Step Guide For Weight Loss – Men & Women Over 40
Reading this article will give you a better understanding of how to effectively lose body fat.
The 5 key areas we are going to cover…
- Your two weight loss foundations (sleep & mindset)
- The sustainable weight loss meal plan
- Doing “daily activity” vs “exercise”
- Time-efficient exercises to boost your metabolism
- The 5 Point Summary & Your Action Steps
Here’s Why You May Be Struggling With Weight Loss…
“I’ll just cut my carbs, I’ll eat 1-2 times per day with small portions, and start training again to drop some weight… This will surely have me seeing the results I want”
Have you experienced or heard something similar to this before?
This approach to dropping some unwanted fat sounds simple enough to follow, and it’s the general rule of thumb that most individuals
over 40 follow when trying to drop weight.
The issue is that over 87% of men & women over 40 fail at sustaining weight loss by using this general approach.
This types of restrictive plans are constantly failing because they are not specialised plans that are specific to your fitness goals and current BMR (basal metabolic rate).
Any unspecific or “cookie-cutter” weight loss plan where you just drop calories for the sake of ingesting less food won’t work for you long-term as a man or lady in your 40s, 50s, 60s and above.
Your body is undergoing many metabolic and hormonal changes when over 40 that need to be accounted for to lose weight effectively and that lasts.
Instead of failing at weight loss again (and again), here’s what you need to start doing instead…
From helping thousands of men & women in their 40s, 50s, 60s & 70s successfully drop that unwanted weight, get fitter & healthier, I have broken down the process to help successfully lose weight into 5 core principles.
To lose weight successfully and long term, you MUST start by building the foundations first.
Step 1: Start with your WHY & Not With Diet and Exercise
One of the biggest mistakes people make when trying to lose weight is that they start with their diet and exercise first without realising as to WHY they are starting the first place.
This is a plan to fail approach.
This is an EASY mistake to make because it seems like diet and exercise would be the “perfect” place to start when trying to drop some weight.
Although both your nutrition and exercise are crucial, (where we will discuss that further on in this article) there are two prior steps that you need to have in place first to sustain a long term result.
1: Sleep Habits For Weight Loss
2: Your Weight Loss Success Mindset
Let’s go through these 2 key areas.
Poor Sleep Patterns Will Have Your Body Storing Fat EVEN IF You Are Following A Correct Nutrition Plan
During sleep, your body will regulate hormones and this includes weight loss hormones. Your body needs these hormones to be balanced to lose weight effectively.
Your Weight loss efforts will be impacted from these hormones.
- Growth hormone — a key anti-aging hormone — naturally rises at night to help your body burn fat, build and repair muscle, cell rejuvenation.
- Insulin — a key food and fat storage hormone — decreases to its lowest levels at night, enabling your body to burn fat.
- Cortisol — your stress hormone — decreases at night allowing your cells to relax and rejuvenate.
Without proper sleep, these critical fat-burning and fat-storing hormones get out of balance which will have your body holding onto fat.
So, unfortunately, your weight loss progress will be non existent if you’re not getting enough quality sleep.
Get the program that has helped 1000’s of men & women over 40 to get results like these…
Here’s How To Get Your Mind Ready for Weight Loss Success
Achieving weight loss is a challenging and broad goal, but it’s also a deeply personal transformation. It’s not just about shedding the kilos; it’s about rewiring the unhealthy habits that got you where you are in the first place.
These habits can include your eating patterns, drinking habits, how you deal with stress, and your current exercise routine or lack of exercise. All of these factors work together to create your current lifestyle, and changing them takes time and dedication.
The key to lasting weight loss is making small but significant shifts away from the habits that have held you back and moving toward healthier choices that will help you reach your goals. This journey isn’t just physical — it’s mental.
Transforming your health requires a mindset capable of handling change and staying committed, ESPECIALLY when the going gets tough. Developing emotional resilience and focusing on long-term success will empower you to break free from old patterns and adopt new habits that stick.
As you begin your weight loss journey, remember that building a strong mindset is essential for achieving the results you want — and maintaining them for life.

What is your WHY?
Here are some examples that might get you started towards finding your WHY.
Discovering Your “WHY”
– Why do you want to lose weight?
(Example: To feel more confident in my own skin)
- How will losing weight improve your life?| (Example: I’ll have more energy for my family)
- What will happen if you don’t lose weight?| (Example: My health might deteriorate)
- Who will benefit from your success? (Example: My children, partner, and myself)
- How will you feel once you reach your goal?(Example: Empowered, proud, and healthier)
Digging Deeper into Your “WHY”
- I want to be healthier.
Why does being healthier matter to you?
I want to avoid health issues as I age.
- I want to fit into my old clothes.
Why is that important to you?
It would boost my self-esteem.
- I want to be a good role model.
Why does this inspire you?
I want my kids to grow up with healthy habits.
- I want more energy.
What would you do with more energy?
Spend more active time with my family and friends.
- I want to feel better mentally.
Why is mental well-being important for you?
It helps me handle stress and feel more in control.
These examples help break down surface-level goals into deeper motivations, making it easier to find the emotional and personal reasons behind the desire for weight loss.
You need to develop a mindset that is DEEPLY and FULLY committed to your weight loss journey.
So, my question for you: What is your big weight loss WHY?
What motivates you DEEP down to lose weight and be healthy?
Not all men & women over 40 want to lose weight for the same reason.
I’ve found (in most cases) the strongest “Why Powers” are almost always rooted in something bigger than you as individuals.
Take a minute now to think about your weight loss “WHY”…
- What will happen if you don’t make health changes?
You will be shocked at how much more weight you’ll lose over the next few weeks when you have the RIGHT MINDSET to help fuel your actions.
Having the mental strength, commitment, and purpose towards your goal will keep you going when times get hard. Just stay focused in your WHY.
Now we can move onto the NEXT STEP “Nutrition.”
You Meal Plan Needs To Be Sustainable With Your Lifestyle
Nutrition accounts for 80% of your weight loss results.
Eating for weight loss is about new habits you can sustain long term — and not getting caught up in the next FAD diet that promises you 10kg of body disappearing overnight.
You already know which foods are healthy and which aren’t.
Your issue will be to establish the right eating habits and behaviours on a consistent basis.
The key to your weight loss success will be sticking to your healthy nutrition habits consistently — in a simple, sustainable, that doesn’t feel like a chore.
It’s all about building sustainable nutrition habits you can stick with.
Next, AFTER you have a sustainable nutrition plan in place…
Go for a fasted walk in the morning when you wake up, make time for your workout. Do some laps in the pool.
Working out is useful and quite effective for weight loss. But remember, exercise is just one TOOL for weight loss. It’s not the foundation of your weight loss efforts.
Point to remember: You cannot out-train a bad diet. It’s so much more effective to make some smart changes to your nutrition than to spend more time exercising in the attempt to burn more calories thinking you’ll be able to trick your body and burn fat faster.
Aim for at least 30-45 min of active movement whether it’s gym training or cardio outside in order for it to properly regulate your hunger level.
Here are a few other simple tips to move more:
- Park the car further away in the parking lot.
- Take the stairs instead of the elevator/escalator.
- Walk while you are talking on the phone.
- Walk with your dog, your wife, your kids, or your girlfriend.
- Put your alarm on every couple hours to walk around for 5 minutes. An 8 hour work day will create an extra 20 minutes activity with the alarm every 2 hours.
All of this seemingly small movement adds up to big results.
Remember: The goal of daily movement is NOT to burn calories. The goal is to hit your ‘Daily Required Movement Threshold’ so that your brain can maintain proper hunger control. As a result, you’ll naturally eat less and lose more weight.
Now that your habit for activity is in place along with a well balanced meal plan, 7-8 hours of good sleep, and your WHY-committed mindset, we can move on to resistance training.
Resistance Workouts
There are TWO types of exercise that you need for weight loss:
- Type #1: Fat Burning Interval Training. The proper interval cardio workouts burn 2-3 times as much fat in HALF the time of typical “jogging on the treadmill” workouts.
- Type #2: Strength Training: Nothing naturally boosts your body’s natural levels of anti-aging and weight loss hormones faster than resistance training.
You need BOTH fat-burning interval cardio AND the proper strength training routine to lose weight as quick as possible.
If you have some small changes to make for your own personal weight loss goals, get started with a small change today by building one new habit that will help you on a healthier path.
The 5 steps that cover the fundamentals of weight loss
- Get 7-8 hours of sleep every night.
- Work out your WHY. What motivates you on a DEEP emotional level and makes it important to drop weight?
- Get on a simple and sustainable eating meal plan.
- Start 30-45 minutes of daily activity which can include resistance training, walking, swimming, etc
Your weight loss success lies in generating momentum through the consistent application of these fundamentals we’ve covered in this article for men & women over 40.
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