Accountability is an important part of the program.
You will build habits that will help you achieve long-term success. You’ll have one habit that you’ll start each week making it easy for you.
We will build on this every week training your body to be a fat-burning machine at the end of it.
The habits you’ll start are:
1. Weigh in
2. Weighing your food
3. Don’t hit snooze on your alarm
4. Check ins are crucial
5. Drink water
6. Weigh out
So, Why just one habit a week?
I don’t want you trying to do everything at once. That’s a recipe for failure as it will overwhelm you on having many habits at once to change. I want you to succeed with this program. We want this to be the thing that finally helps you reach your goals for the long term as it has for many other clients on this program. By breaking down these easy-to-follow habits into weeks, it’ll help build long-term habits that will serve you a lifetime.
Remember stay consistent on the one habit each week so it becomes second nature for you.